Germanus (Caesar)

Germanus (Greek Γερμανός, * 551; ? † 605 in Constantinople Opel ) was 582 briefly Eastern Roman throne.

Germanus is often with Germanus Postumus, the 551 -born son of the commander Germanus († 550 ) and the Matasuentha identified what is possible, but not certain assignable.

582, Emperor Tiberius I. his first daughter Charito Germanus to the woman and raised him along with Maurikios to Caesar. Germanus, then governor in Africa, to later sources, have declined the succession, so that Maurikios after the death of Tiberius on 14 August 582 as sole ruler ascended the throne in Constantinople Opel. It is also possible that Maurikios did eliminate the rivals. What was after 582 Germanus, so is uncertain, especially since the name in late antiquity quite frequently occurred.

As 602 revolted the Balkan army against Maurikios, was a Germanus, whose daughter Maurikios ' eldest son Theodosius had married and the rank of consul held ( Th Sim 8,8,12 ), as a possible successor temporarily candidate. It is well conceivable that this involved the Caesar of the year 582, but provides remarkably, no source this connection. Of high treason accused Germanus tried in vain to get in Constantinople Opel with the help of the circus parties to power, while the troops of Phocas marched on the capital. Phocas pardoned his rival on the condition that he should become a priest. Despite this, Germanus involved 605 (or 607 ) on a failed conspiracy against the emperor, and was executed with his family.
