Gesinnungsgemeinschaft der Neuen Front

The ethos of the New Community Front ( GDNF ) is a right-wing organization in Germany. In the early 1990s she was one of the key organizations of the neo-Nazi scene.

The ethos of the New Community Front was founded in 1984 by the neo-Nazi Michael Bold, Thomas Brehl and Christian Worchester. After the banning of the right-wing Action Front of National Socialists / National Activists (ANS / NA) on December 7, 1983, first emerged a number of organizations with no fixed structures, such as to the readership of the magazine " The New Front" ( NF) around to a follow- ban prevent. These were then combined in the GDNF and the members of the ANS / NA taken over largely.

The GDNF openly acknowledges the 25 -point program of the NSDAP and places himself in the tradition of the SA and the "revolutionary" wing of the NSDAP. Adolf Hitler considered them as a " figure of salvation of the Aryan race."

Due to the controversy over homosexuality Kuhnen it came in 1986 to a division of the organization into two hostile wings, which ended with the departure of the anti- Bold wing. However, this way, the GDNF lost control of the Committee for the preparation of the celebrations for the 100th anniversary of Adolf Hitler and the Free German Workers' Party. Was the main task of GDNF first the continuation of the banned ANS / NA, so she dedicated the late 1980s and early 1990s, in particular the establishment of organizational structures in the GDR, organizing marches, revisionist campaigns, the paramilitary training and development of a so-called SA as well as a provocative public relations.

After the death Kuhnen 1991, the line became part of Christian Worchester, Arnulf Priem and Gottfried Küssel. The latter was also the Chairman of similarly organized and aligned people spreading Extra-Parliamentary Opposition, however, had from 1993 to 1999 serving a sentence for Nazi re- operation in Austria. 1992 was one of the GDNF still about 400 members, but lost rapidly in influence. At this time in connection with the case against right-wing extremist parties and organizations like the Free German Workers' Party ( FAP) established a number of front organizations and parties, including the National Coalition, the initiative will of the people, German Alternative, National Alternative, National List, German Hessen, Anti-Zionist Action, Anti-Communist Action, National block and more.
