
Gingivitis is an inflammation usually caused by bacteria of the marginal gingiva ( gingival ). Low-lying structures of the gums ( periodontal ) are not affected. Gingivitis can be enhanced by other factors.


  • Bleeding after contact (exploratory )
  • Reddening
  • Edematous swelling
  • Ulceration ( ulcerative decay)

Chronic gingivitis caused mostly no pain. When agents are in principle all occurring in the oral flora bacteria into consideration.

A persistent chronic gingivitis can turn into periodontitis or accelerate at an existing periodontitis the course.


An intensive oral hygiene represents both the prophylaxis and the treatment of plaque- associated gingivitis, because as the causative bacterial biofilm and food debris are removed from the mouth. If, in spite of good oral hygiene is no improvement of the symptoms can be achieved, other forms of gingival diseases have to be considered and treated as needed. In addition to mechanical cleaning with toothbrush, dental floss and other aids short term oral disinfectant in the form of mouthwashes, gels or oral sprays can be used in support. Depending on the composition of the ingredients reduce this funding, the number of bacteria in the mouth and throat for a few minutes or several hours ( depot effect ). The number of bacteria on the toothbrush can be reduced by one. Toothbrush regularly disinfected ( dental spray, UV disinfection in electric toothbrushes )


The currently valid nomenclature was established in 1999 as part of the " International Workshop for a Classifikation of Periodontal Diseases and Conditions ." This older, often country-specific nomenclatures have been repaid.
