
50.8391666666678.8194444444444198Koordinaten: 50 ° 50 ' 21 " N, 8 ° 49' 10" E

Location of Ginseldorf in Marburg

St. John, neo-Gothic Catholic church, built in 1450

Ginseldorf is a district of Marburg in Hesse.

Geographical Location

The place is located between Frankfurt and Kassel. West to the outskirts of the village close to the northern foothills of the Lahnberge. The next slightly larger river is the ohm, which runs a section of only a few hundred meters north of the village; it opens only a little further west in the Lahn.


The story Ginseldorfs dates back to the 13th century. The place was first mentioned in 1253 and 2003 consequently celebrated its 750th anniversary.

After Ginseldorf also became Protestant during the Reformation, it was 1595 again Catholic. Then it belonged until 1801 to kurmainzischen Office Amoeneburg and then came the Peace of Luneville to Hesse, but remained Catholic. Ginseldorf was up to the local government reform in an independent municipality with its own mayor and its own administration. Since July 1, 1974 Ginseldorf is a district of Marburg. The district is now represented by the town council, which is headed by the mayor.

Other Information

Due to its proximity to the university campus to the Lahnbergen the place has become a popular residential area for employees of the University of Marburg.
