Giovanni Ambrogio de Predis

Ambrogio de Predis (* 1455, † after 1508; Giovanni Ambrogio de Predis also ) was an Italian painter.


De Predis was court painter to Ludovico Sforza in Milan until his expulsion in 1499; Court painter of the German king and later Emperor Maximilian I and his second wife Bianca Maria Sforza in Innsbruck 1493/94 and again in 1502 and 1506. Mainly he is known as a portraitist.

Ambrogio de Predis were in 1483, whose brother Evangelista and Leonardo da Vinci in charge of the altarpiece for San Francesco Grande in Milan. The role Ambrogios in the two resulting therefrom versions of the Virgin of the Rocks is controversial, a direct participation is only for 1508 completed, later version in the National Gallery, London in question.


  • Profile Portrait of Maximilian I, (1502, Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum).

Accretion of works (selection)

  • Profile Portrait of Bianca Maria Sforza ( 1493, Washington, National Gallery).
  • Profile portrait of Beatrice d' Este, (Oxford, Christ Church Gallery).
  • Profile portrait of a young man (Houston, museum of fine arts, formerly Conte Porro, Milan).
  • Profile portrait of a man, (San Francisco, Legion of Honour museum, there Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio attributed ).
  • The lady with the pearl net, (Milan, Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, possibly in collaboration with the Leonardo da Vinci).

Controversial works

  • Portrait of Francesco di Bartolomeo Archinto, (1494, London, National Gallery ).
  • Young lady with cherries, (New York, Metropolitan Museum ).
  • Young man with arrow, ( Cleveland, Cleveland museum of art ).