Giulio Carlo Argan

Giulio Carlo Argan ( born May 17, 1909 in Turin, † November 11, 1992 in Rome ) was an Italian art historian, politician and from 1976 to 1979 first communist mayor of Rome.

Life and career

After studying at the University of Turin in the 1920s, when Lionello Venturi, he joined in 1928 with 19 years of the Fascist Party of Italy at. His interests were at this point of the architecture, he received his doctorate in 1931 at the age of 21 years, with a dissertation on the Renaissance architect Sebastiano Serlio.

Argan first worked as an assistant to Paolo Toesca 1933 and entered a job with the National Antiquities at, as an emissary for Turin. In Rome, he founded, together with Cesare Brandi the Istituto Centrale del Restauro (Central Restoration Institute) and worked as an editor of the magazine Le Arti. He was promoted at this time of the fascist politician Cesare Maria De Vecchi, the Minister of Education of the Government Mussolini. In the 1940s he published regularly in the Journal of Primato fascist propaganda officer Giuseppe Bottai.

After the war, he turned to the Urban Studies and published on Renaissance artists, fruit of his stay at the Warburg Institute, and turned the iconological method ( substantive interpretation rather than stylistic criticism ) on the architecture.

He received his first university post in 1955 in Palermo in 1959 and moved to Rome, where he took over the chair of history of modern art. In 1958 he was awarded an Antonio Feltrinelli Prize.

In 1984 he was among those the three alleged statues Modigliani Scandal declared in Livorno for real, which turn out to be wrong later.

Politician and mayor of Rome

1976 Argan was elected mayor of Rome, a position that he held until 1979. He was the first non- Christian Democrat mayor of Rome. As an Independent he had been elected on the list of the PCI ( Partito Comunista Italiano).

He came back in 1979 allegedly for health reasons. He was succeeded by Luigi Petroselli, a member of the Communist Party.

Giulio Carlo Argan was a Protestant and a member of the religious community of the Waldenses. He died in 1992 at the age of 83 years in Rome.


  • L' architettura protocristiana, preromanica e romanica, Nemi, Firenze 1936
  • L' architettura italiana del Trecento Duecento e, Nemi, Firenze 1937
  • Walter Gropius e la Bauhaus, Einaudi, Torino 1951
  • Borromini, Mondadori, Milano 1952
  • Brunelleschi, Mondadori, Milano 1952
  • Pier Luigi Nervi, Il Balcone, Milano 1955
  • Fra Angelico, Skira, 1955 Ginevra
  • L' architettura barocca in Italia, Garzanti, Milano 1957
  • Botticelli, Skira, 1957 Ginevra
  • Ignazio Gardella, Edizioni di Comunità, Milano 1959
  • L'Europa delle Capitali, Fabbri - Skira, Milano e Ginevra 1964 ( riedizione: Skira, Milano 2004, con introduzione di Claudio Gamba )
  • Storia dell'arte italiana full. I-III, Sansoni, Firenze 1968
  • L' arte moderna 1770-1970, Sansoni, Firenze 1970
  • Michelangelo architetto, Electa, Milano 1990 ( con Bruno Contardi )


  • Studi e note, Fratelli Bocca, Roma 1955
  • Salvezza e caduta nell'arte moderna, Il Saggiatore, Milano 1964
  • Progetto e destino, Il Saggiatore, Milano 1965
  • Studi e note. Dal Bramante a Canova, Bulzoni, Roma 1970
  • Occasioni di critica, a cura di Bruno Contardi, Editori Riuniti, Roma 1981
  • Storia dell'arte storia della città come, Editori Riuniti, Roma 1983
  • As Hogarth a Picasso. L' arte moderna in Europe, Feltrinelli, Milano 1983
  • Classico anticlassico. Il Rinascimento since Brunelleschi a Bruegel, Feltrinelli, Milano 1984
  • Immagine e Persuasione. Saggi sul barocco, a cura di Bruno Contardi, Feltrinelli, Milano 1986
  • Ritratti di opere e di artisti, a cura di Augusto Roca De Amicis, Editori Riuniti, Roma 1993
  • Progetto e oggetto. Scritti sul design, a cura di Claudio Gamba, Medusa, Milano 2003
  • Promozione delle arti, critica delle forme, tutela delle opere. Scritti Militanti e rari ( 1930-42 ), a cura di Claudio Gamba, Christian Marinotti Edizioni, Milano 2009


  • Giulio Carlo Argan, Un'idea di Roma, a cura di Mino Monicelli, Editori Riuniti, Roma 1979
  • Giulio Carlo Argan, Intervista sulla fabbrica dell'arte, a cura di Tommaso Trini, Laterza, Roma -Bari 1980
  • Rossana Bossaglia, Parlando con Argan, Ilisso, Nuoro 1992
  • Giulio Carlo Argan, Intervista sul Novecento, rilasciata a Marc Perelman e Alain Jaubert, traduzione dal francese a cura di Sara Staccioli, nella seconda parte: Conversazione con Claudio Gamba e altri scritti di Giulio Carlo Argan e su, Annali dell'Associazione Ranuccio Bianchi Bandinelli, n 17, graffiti, Roma, 2005.