Giuseppe Dezza

Giuseppe Dezza ( born February 23, 1830 in Melegnano, † May 15, 1898 in Milan ) was an Italian engineer, architect, writer, freedom fighter, soldier and politician.


Dezza studied at the University of Pavia Civil Engineering and Architecture. During his studies he took in 1848 as a volunteer in a Lombard Student Union on the first Italian War of Independence in part. In 1859 he fought under Giuseppe Garibaldi et al at the Battle of San Fermo, where he was wounded. For his service in San Fermo, he received a prestigious award and was promoted to an officer in Garibaldi's Alpine hunters. Shortly thereafter, he received a French award. In December 1859 he joined temporarily as an officer in the Tuscan army. In 1860 he took part in the under Garibaldi train the thousands. As company commander he wore at the battle of Calatafimi crucial to the victory. In the short time thereafter defeated Battle of the Volturno he was already division commander. In August 1861, the new Italian army took it over as a highly decorated colonel in the infantry. In 1866, he participated as a brigade commander with distinction at the Battle of unhappy verlaufenen Custozza part. In September 1872 King Victor Emmanuel II appointed him his aide field. Starting in 1886, in command of Lieutenant General Dezza as various army corps. In 1895 he retired from active service.

Giuseppe Dezza was a member of a North Italian constituency and since January 27, 1889 Senator for life.
