Giuseppe Orlandini

Giuseppe Orlandini ( * 1922 in Florence ) is an Italian film director.


Orlandini passed the diploma at the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia in 1953 and then quickly found operating as an assistant director. He has worked, among others with Franco Rossi and Luchino Visconti together. In 1958, he put as directing debut before the comedy Tutti innamorati, which was coordinated by his teacher Rossi. After his Episdodenbeitrag to Cronache del '22 was followed by some unaufregende comedies until he 1967-1972 exclusively comedian pair Franco & Ciccio devoted, with whom he staged six grotesque comedies that were occasionally also written by him. After that, Orlandini withdrew from the film Regise.

Filmography (selection)
