Glacial striation

A Kritzung, known as glacier scrapes, is a typical, caused by the glacier-polished surface structure of the rock.

Glaciers are no standing ice, but they represent a viscous mass with extremely slow flow movement dar. Here, the glacier ( glaciated mountain regions or Scandinavian ice sheet during the Ice Age ) moves from the origin of the ice away. Stones that are picked up and carried, depending on the terrain at the bottom or on the sides of the glacier " kritzen " while the bedrock. The then direction of movement of the ice can be seen from scratches or grooves.

This geological feature is commonly found on the coasts of southern Scandinavia and also in the northern Alpine foreland (eg Fischbach near Flintsbach There was during the Würm glaciation of Inngletscher ).

Also on glacial boulders in northern Germany are occasionally glacier scrapes to find. At small stones sometimes finds an almost mirror smooth polished surface. In these cases, no debris was stored in the ice, and the ground was carried out by embedded sand or glacial flour. Multiple gekritzte attachments are very rare. Very rare are the so-called Eiskanter in which touch at least two ground surfaces.
