
As Glæsisvellir ( Old Norse: sparkling levels ) is in Norse mythology refers to an area in Jotunheim (giant home ), which is mentioned in some narrations as the Bosa saga ok Herrauðs or Hervarar saga ok Heiðreks konungs. Guðmundr was the name of the king of this country.


About Guðmundr of Glæsisvellir ( ancient sagas of the 14th to 15th century ) is reported in some Forndaldarsögur. Here he is described as a powerful pagan ruler of a kingdom of giants ( jötunn ). In the Hervarar saga ( Saga of Hervör, a man dressed as a warrior ) from a place called " Odainsaker " ( land without death) is mentioned. From Guðmundr it states that he resided as the king of Jotunheim in an area called Glæsisvellir. Guðmundr died after he had lived 500 years, and was then worshiped like a god. In the Bosa saga he is also specified as ruler of Glæsisvellir.

"It is said that it is a country in the north were in ancient times in Finnmark, which was called Jotunheim [ ... ] Gudmund was the name of a king in Jotunheim. His home was called reason and his country Glasisvellir. He was a big fan of the old gods. He was a wise and powerful man and very old and all his men likewise, as if they lived for several normal life spans. For this reason, the nations that believe in his kingdom, which Óðains - acre [ Land of the Non - Dead ] is to find a place where everyone who gets there, gesundet as sickness and old age disappear from them and they die no more. "
