Glasflügel H-301

The glass wing H -301 Libelle is a single-seat glider of Glas wing glider GmbH.


The H -301 was produced from 1964 to 1969 and was the first plastic airplane that was built in larger numbers ( for the first time more than 100). She was the 1975 newly created racing class for many years ahead. The H -301 served the Series H -20X dragonfly as a template.


The H- 301 is a glider with flaps and a wingspan of 15 meters. It is (as well as the Janus ) equipped with a braking parachute, which is located in the lower part of the rudder. This allows the pilot to land shorter, which is advantageous for field landings, as this damage can be limited to the airframe (the most outlandings damage free run ).

