Gnaeus Flavius (jurist)

Gnaeus Flavius ​​won 304 BC as a clerk in its probable function as scriba pontificius of Appius Claudius the election as curule aedile. The Roman historian and politician Piso mentioned in the second century BC the lower source of Gnaeus Flavius ​​.

Uncertainties exist with respect to the first Fasti publication, said to have been made ​​by Gnaeus Flavius ​​. Livy writes Gnaeus Flavius ​​to in his capacity as aedile, Cicero refers, however, to another person. Because of this unclear situation the Erstpublikationsjahr the Fasti is considered uncertain, but can not be before 304 BC. Doubt, however, free is the historical finding that Gnaeus Flavius ​​not planned the publication of the Fasti in the context of the Roman calendar, but Appius Claudius the crucial person represented.
