Gnaphalium sylvaticum

Forest -Ruhr herb ( Gnaphalium sylvaticum )

The forest -Ruhr herb ( Gnaphalium sylvaticum ) is a widespread flowering plant in the sunflower family ( Asteraceae).


The perennial plant is between 10 and 40 centimeters, exceptionally to 80 inches high. It forms many non- flowering fresh green rosette leaves. The strong, erect, usually unbranched stem is white tomentose.

The basal leaves are lanceolate and short handle, the many change-constant einnervigen stem leaves linear and sitting. They have a length of two to six centimeters and a width of between three and four millimeters. Your bottom is felted, the top glabrous.

The flower heads form a spike-like inflorescence total, which occupies one-third to five-sixths of the stem length. They have a diameter of six to nine millimeters, a brownish to yellowish white in color and contain about seventy individual flowers. The five overgrown, mostly slashed bracts are predominantly trockenhäutig and wear in the majority a distinct black mark. The seed is a yellow-brown, oblong nut, whose busy with unbranched or only slightly branched hairs short pappus is slightly brownish or reddish. Blooms from July to September.

Similar type

The similar Norwegian Ruhr herb has a shorter flowering Nourish, the middle stem leaves are three annoying, the non-flowering rosette leaves are less and those provided by the inflorescence obsolete.

Distribution and location

The forest -Ruhr herb is native to Europe and is also found in North America. It often grows along forest paths, clearings, railways, sand pits and poor grass. In the Alps it reaches an altitude of 1700 meters. The light- loving, nitrogen pointing plant prefers lime-free, moderately fresh loamy soil.

Medicinal and ornamental plant

The forest -Ruhr herb was once used against diarrhea, dysentery and respiratory problems. Today it is found in rock gardens as an ornamental plant.

