
GNUSim8085 is a free (and therefore free available ), as well as award-winning, graphic CPU simulator with an integrated assembler and debugger for the Intel 8085 microprocessor for Windows and GNU / Linux operating systems, which is developed and distributed under the GNU GPL.

The simulator makes use of the GTK toolkit for creating a platform-independent graphical user interface.


GNUSim8085 has arisen from the need of an Indian computer science student named Sridhar Ratnakumar out: During his studies he needed for exam preparations access to a free and free 8085 simulator should be able to run and also be extended to Linux-based computers.

In the absence of options, Sridhar Ratnakumar decided in 2003 to take the implementation of such a simulator into their own hands and created so in the same year with GNUSim8085 his first open- source project. A first prototype was completed by Ratnakumar in just three days and used immediately to prepare for the exams that were originally motivated him to develop the simulator.

The development of the simulator was originally held at the web portal SourceForge, where the source code of the program on the version control software Git is available. Meanwhile, however, the project is officially hosted on Launchpad.

Since the project began in 2003, but also increasingly in particular since porting the simulator on the Windows platform in 2008, enjoys GNUSim8085 a steadily increasing number of users and supporters, especially among students of computer science and engineering courses.

While GNUSim8085 was originally designed and developed solely by Sridhar Ratnakumar, now an active following of users has formed, so that the project is currently being developed by a four-member team of developers, in which case the developer Aanjhan Ranganathan and Onkar Shinde managing the project of Ratnakumar have.



  • Source code editor with mnemonic list and interactive entry wizard for all standard instructions of the instruction set
  • Syntax highlighting in the editor
  • Integrated Quelltext-/Opcode-Ansicht indicating the assembled source code Hex


  • Assembler with support for all standard instructions for the 8085
  • Assembler with support for common assembler directives


  • Full view of all registers and flags in the simulator
  • Debugger with support for breakpoints
  • Support for single-step execution of programs
  • Hex -to-decimal converter
  • Life inspection of the stack
  • Life inspection of defined variables in the source code
  • Life inspection and manipulation of memory and the I / O ports