Go variants

Govarianten are games that are based on the traditional Chinese board game Go.

Variants using the rules of the Go

  • Rengo. Go to fourth
  • Zen -Go. Go threesome. It is set in turn, so that one plays alternately black and white.
  • Go on boards with a different format than the usual squares 19 × 19, 13 × 13 or 9 × 9
  • Blind -go. Go in the head, similar to blindfold chess
  • Mekura -Go ( A - colors -go ). Milder form of blind - Go: stones of both colors are represented on the board with a single color stones

Variants that are based on the rules of Go

  • Atari -Go. Who first catches some wins; known as an exercise for Go beginners
  • Poker -go. ( Teikemeier Lothar, 1988). Go with event cards
  • Keima -go. In a train 2 stones are placed which have a distance from one another knight move
  • Round -go. Go on a special circular board
  • 1000 volt -Go ( Ralf Gering, 1988). Newly set stones attract different colored stones and repel same-colored stones.
  • Three-stone -Go. Go, in which both players alternately put three stones. Can also be played with more stones.
  • Seven -a-row. Seven stones in a row win the game. It shall be the go - impact rules.
  • No -Go. The opponent may each round insert 1x opposition to train, so you have to play to a different location than planned.
  • Phantom Go. Go, in which first only sees his own stones, so that an arbitrator is required. Thus, it is not a game with perfect information.

Other variants

  • Gach
  • Go