
Govannon, also Gofannon fab Dôn [ va ː b go'vannon do ː n], originally * Gobann, is a Welsh legendary figure and a figure from the four branches of the Mabinogi.


In the legend of Kulhwch and Olwen Govannon is called a son of the mother goddess Dôn. The giant Ysbaddaden requires vonKönig Arthur, Kulhwch and the other men, that he may clear a particular field together with his brother Amaethon. However, this can Amaethon only achieve if Govannon sharpens the plowshares again on Feldrain. Typically, this blacksmith works exclusively for kings.

In the fourth branch of the Mabinogi, Math fab Mathonwy ( " Math, the son Mathonwys " ), and in the Welsh Triads he is referred to as a murderer who kills his nephew Dylan Eil Ton.


Govannon is often interpreted as a remnant of an ancient Celtic god. It corresponds to the Goibniu the Irish legend of the named Gavida on the Isle of Man and in some variants. The name derives from the Celtic Govannon Gobannonos ( " Big Smith "). From the continental Celts, a late antique god named Gobanos has survived in inscriptions which probably is related to the figure of Govannon.

The three sons of Dôn represent three important items:

  • Gwydyon is the Druid, the " scholars "
  • Govannon is the artisan
  • Amaethon is the farmer