Golden Bowerbird

Columns Gardener ( Prionodura newtoniana )

The column Gardener ( Prionodura newtoniana ) is a passerine bird of the family of bowerbirds.


With 23 cm length of the columns gardener is the smallest member of his family. The male is colored yellow on belly, crown and neck, the back and the middle tail feathers are dyed golden brown. The female is olive green colored ash-gray on the upper side and lower side.


The column gardener lives in the rainforest, usually in mountainous regions, in parts of the north east coast of Australia and in New Guinea.


The column gardener feeds mainly on fruits and sometimes insects.


The male builds around the trunk of a Baumschösslings up to two meters high towers of twigs and other plant material. These towers are connected by a narrow road. This leaves like structure is decorated with flowers and other colorful objects and serves as Paarungsort. The polygamous male sings and dances in front of the arbor, to attract females, and pairs several times per season. The female builds a cup-shaped nest in a tree and lays one to two eggs.

The pergolas are always, sometimes, used over several generations.
