Golden-cheeked Warbler

Male gold -cheeked Warbler ( Dendroica chrysoparia )

The gold -cheeked Warbler ( Dendroica chrysoparia ) is a small insectivorous bird in the family of warblers ( Parulidae ).


Male golden -cheeked warblers are easily distinguished from other warbler species. The bird has a bright yellow plumage on the sides of the head, which is criss-crossed each on both sides by a black stripe from beak on the dark brown eyes to the back of the neck. The throat area and the upper breast plumage is black. In the lower chest and belly, he wears a white plumage, which is crisscrossed with black stripes. The beak, legs and feet are black in color. The back feathers are dark gray with white patches on the wings. In the females of the bright yellow color on the head is lighter and duller.
