Golden Gate (Gdańsk)

The Long Street Gate in Gdansk (including Golden Gate, pl. Złotą Brama ) is one of the city's attractions.

The present gate was built in the years 1612-1614 after a design by Abraham van den Block, at this point previously was a Gothic gate from the 13th century.

The architecture is in the style of the Dutch Manierismuses. Next to it is the late Gothic seat of St. George Brotherhood ( Dwór Bractwa Sw. Jerzego ).

On both sides of Jeremias Falck has mounted in 1648 figures. The figures on the west side / outside are: Pax (Peace), Libertas ( freedom ), Fortuna (wealth ) and Fama ( fame). On the east side (of the Long Street side ) you can see the symbolic figures for Concordia ( harmony ), Justitia (Justice ), Pietas ( piety ) and Prudence ( Wisdom).

In the friezes on the front is engraved a quote from Psalm 122: It would prosper that love thee. There should be peace within, in your Moors and prosperity within thy palaces!

In Latin language is the Long Street facing page: Concordia res publicae parvae crescunt - discordia magnae concidunt (Eintracht can flourish the small states, while the great discord States shall destroy ).

During World War II destroyed, it was rebuilt in 1957.
