Gonçal Mayos Solsona

Gonçal Mayos Solsona ( * 1957 in Vilanova de la Barca in Lleida ) is a Spanish and catalanischer philosopher, essayist and professor at the University of Barcelona. Specializing in the thought of Hegel, Herder, Kant, Descartes, d'Alembert and Nietzsche, he devoted himself to the study of the great modern movements ( rationalism, Enlightenment, Romanticism, philosophy of suspicion ) and their influence into postmodernism. Mayo coined the term " macro philosophy " to ( " macrofilosofía " ) its comprehensive, long -term, multidisciplinary - to characterize analysis - philosophical, epistemological, sociological and political. He has written numerous books and articles, is chairman of the philosophical Forum Liceu Joan Maragall de Filosofia in Ateneu of Barcelona and member of the group Internacional de Recerca " Cultura, Història i Estat " ( International Research Group " Culture, History and the State" ).
