González Videla Antarctic Base

- 64.816666666667 - 62.866666666667Koordinaten: 64 ° 49 '0 "S, 62 ° 52 ' 0 " W

The González- Videla Antarctic station is a facility of Chile and named after the former President Gabriel González Videla, the first head of state who visited the Antarctic. It is located on Paradise Bay on the Antarctic Peninsula.

The station is now an "inactive " Research Station, which holds stocks and emergency equipment. It is, however, still occupies the Antarctic summer and is regularly hit by supply vessels.

The González- Videla Antarctic station also serves as the representative of Chile in Antarctica to ensure any future territorial and sovereignty claims to the Antarctic Peninsula, which is also claimed by Argentina and the United Kingdom.

At the northern end of the station there is a sign that marks the historic Waterboat Point ( position of a ruined hut of the British Imperial Antarctic Expedition 1920-1922 ). The place is now provided as a historic site HSM -56 under the protection of the Antarctic Treaty. Also protected is a 1950 built near the present station hut ( Historic Site HSM -30).


  • Antarctica. Sydney: Reader 's Digest, 1985, pp. 230 f
  • Lonely Planet: Antarctica: a Lonely Planet Travel Survival Kit, Oakland, CA, Lonely Planet Publications, 1996.
  • Andrew Stewart: Antarctica. An Encyclopedia. London: McFarland and Co., 1990 ( 2 volumes), pp. 394 and 1080th
  • U.S. National Science Foundation: Geographic Names of the Antarctic, Fred G. Alberts ( ed.) Washington, NSF, 1980.