Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

Gonzalo Torrente Ballester (born 13 June 1910 in Ferrol, † January 27, 1999 in Salamanca) was a Spanish writer.


Gonzalo Torrente Ballester was born on 13 June 1910 in Ferrol in the vicinity of A Coruña, Spain. In 1926 he started in Santiago de Compostela with his university studies, which he continued in Oviedo 1927. During these years he began his journalistic activities. In 1929 he moved to Madrid to study philosophy and the humanities. In 1932 he married Josefina Malvido, 1935, he completed his studies and devoted himself to his work as a writer and reviewer.

From 1972 he was a member of the Real Academia Española. He has received, among others, the Premio Principe de Asturias (1982) and the Premio Miguel de Cervantes (1985). On 27 January 1999 he died in his apartment in Salamanca.


The work Torrente Ballester includes reviews, articles, plays and novels. In particular he is known for his handling of the Don Juan myth, which was published in 1963 and is one of the few translated into German works. Other major works are

  • Javier Mariño (1943 )
  • El golpe de estado de Guadalupe Limón (1946 )
  • Compostela y su ángel (1948, German Santiago de Compostela - A pilgrim reading book )
  • Iphigenia (1950 )
  • The trilogy Los Gozo y las sombras (German Light and Shadow) El señor llega (1959, dt The coming of the Lord )
  • Donde la vuelta el aire since (1960, dt where the wind changes )
  • La Pascua triste (1962, German Easter celebrations )