Gordon Bennett Cup (auto racing)

The Gordon Bennett Cup was an annual motor sport event, which was held in the years 1900 to 1905. It was the first international performance comparison between several car brands. It was initiated by the American newspaper publisher James Gordon Bennett Jr. ( 1841-1918 ). Approved were three vehicles a nation that had to be made ​​in their entirety (including motor, tires and all small parts) in this country. The total weight was allowed to be not less than 400 kg up to 1000 kg. Only two-seater were admitted to the competition.

Length of the route was always between 550 and 650 kilometers.

The victorious nation had the task of organizing next year's race. For the first race in 1900 launched vehicles from France, the U.S. and Belgium, the following year, even only French cars. Finally, the idea caught yet and the later races held saw vehicles from France, Great Britain, Germany, Belgium, Austria, Italy, Switzerland and the USA at the start. After 1905, the French car producers were no longer agree with the strict rate, since very many manufacturers fighting for the three launch sites in France. France therefore hardly showed an interest to stage the race in 1906. Rather, we wrote at the same time from the first Grand Prix and urged the Cup race in the background. The interest of other nations dwindled since you could enter more glory in the Grand Prix. The first Grand Prix, the German translation, was the GP of France 1906 Still had the Gordon Bennett Cup major impact on the motorsports history. The British Racing Green found here its origin, as well as the motor racing tradition of Mercedes -Benz and Michelin. Also, the consistent use of circular routes, which replaced the city - to-city trips gradually, entered the race for the Gordon Bennett Cup on its successful career.

List of winners
