
Gordonstoun is an international Scottish private school.

It was founded in 1934 by fleeing from Germany reform educationalist Kurt Hahn, on the schools Schloss Salem, Birklehof and Louisenlund go back.

Gordonstoun is Elgin in a building from the 17th century.

Many celebrities have visited Gordonstoun.

Visit Gordonstoun both British students from Austria, Germany, America and Asian countries. The school is part of the Round Square Association, an association of international schools. The union has also given its name by one of the main buildings on the campus, as the name implies, is round. The courtyard of this building is also round. Combined with the word square - square - from the English results: Round Place.

Round Square is also the name of a historic building, one of the eleven houses in which students are housed. Once a year the so-called Round Square Conference will be held, attended by representatives of all schools in the Round Square association, including the Schule Schloss Salem at Lake Constance and the school Birklehof. Gordonstoun is a Boarding School, which is spread over several buildings, including Gordonstoun the castle.

Known students

  • Members of the British Royal Family Prince Charles
  • Prince Philip
  • Prince Andrew
  • Prince Edward
  • Peter Phillips
  • Zara Phillips