Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities

The Academy of Sciences in Göttingen, founded in 1751 by King George II of Great Britain, Elector of Hanover, is the oldest continuously existing institution of the eight scientific academies in Germany, which are united under the umbrella of the Union of the German Academies of Sciences. Your task is to serve in their own work and in collaboration with scientists and research institutions at home and abroad of science. Members are professors in the humanities and natural sciences, which have made outstanding contributions in their field in a special way. Therefore, the Academy is a place that is realized at the interdisciplinarity at the highest scientific level.

First President of the Academy was the polymath Albrecht von Haller. The motto of the Academy is Fecundat et Regalia ( you fertilized and sheet ).


The Academy of Sciences in Göttingen is a corporation under public law. It currently manages more than 20 long-term projects of national and international importance, including the study of the inscriptions of the temple of Edfu ( Edfu Project), the Encyclopedia of the fairy tale, the edition of the scientific writings of Lichtenberg, the Septuagint company that Goethe Dictionary, the study of papal documents of the early and high Middle ages and catalogs the files of the Imperial Empire privy councilor.

Who should be included in the Academy, alone decide the members by secret ballot. The members are divided into two classes, Mathematics and Physical and Philology and History class, but always sit together when scientific lectures will be held.

The professors will meet every two weeks during the semester to plenary sessions and the exchange of new research from. Some contributions are included in the yearbook, which provides an overview of the ongoing research.

Often the Göttingen Academy spent in lectures to the public. In cooperation with the Georg -August- University, it offers lecture series. Since 2005, takes place annually on a current topic, the Academy week instead. Regularly keep Academy members lectures in the Lower Saxony State Representation in Berlin as well as in the parliament to Hanover and discuss with policy makers.

At the annual public celebration in November, which is the culmination of the many events of the year, the incumbent President shall submit its annual report; then the Academy awards prizes that she acknowledges outstanding performance and particularly distinguished young scientists and would like to promote. The focus of the annual ceremony is the speech that deals with a scientific or science policy issue.

The meeting hall of the Academy is located in the auditorium of the Georg -August- University.


The Academy of Sciences in Göttingen consists of two equal classes of Mathematics and Physics and the Philology and History class. Each class can have up to forty full members under age 70 who live in Göttingen or in northern Germany. These ordinary members up to two hundred associate members are added, which live in the rest of Germany and abroad.

As the second- oldest institution of its kind in Germany, the Göttingen Academy look back on a long tradition. Many famous scholars were members, including Christian Gottlob Heyne, Carl Friedrich Gauss, the brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, Julius Wellhausen, David Hilbert, Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, Friedrich Wöhler, Otto Hahn, Werner Heisenberg, Franz Wieacker, James Franck, Max Born, Johann Matthias Gesner, Adolf and Friedrich Christoph Dahlmann Windaus. Today, three Nobel Prize winners bring their knowledge to the Göttingen Academy a: Manfred Eigen, Erwin Neher and Bert Sakmann. A total of thirteen winners of the Nobel Prize, the Göttingen Academy show in its history.

The Bureau is elected every four years by the House. President of the Academy since April 2012 as the successor of Christian Starck agricultural economist Stefan Tangier man, vice-presidents are Thomas Kaufmann and Kurt Schönhammer, general secretary Angelika Schade.


Research projects of the Academy program

Research projects in the framework of the nationwide Academy program:

  • German inscriptions of the Middle Ages and the early modern period
  • German Dictionary by Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm
  • The inscriptions of ptolemäerzeitlichen Temple of Edfu
  • Edition of the scientific writings of Lichtenberg
  • Edition and editing Byzantine legal sources
  • Encyclopedia of the fairy tale
  • Catalogs the files of the imperial privy councilor Empire
  • Scholar journals and newspapers as networks of knowledge during the Enlightenment
  • Germania Sacra
  • Goethe Dictionary
  • Farm and residence in late medieval German Empire (1200-1600)
  • Johann Friedrich Blumenbach -online
  • Catalogue of Oriental manuscripts in Germany
  • Leibniz - Edition
  • Middle High German Dictionary
  • Place names between the Rhine and the Elbe - onomastics in Europe
  • Papal documents of the early and high Middle Ages
  • Patristic Commission
  • Qumran dictionary
  • Sanskrit Dictionary
  • Schleiermacher edition
  • Göttingen Septuagint company

Research Commissions

  • Function of the law in the past and present
  • The nature of the information
  • Research into the culture of the late Middle Ages
  • Empire and barbarian: Roman expansion and presence in Germania east of the Rhine and the excavations of Kalkriese
  • Commission for Interdisciplinary Research Southeastern Europe
  • Commission for Mathematicians discounts
  • Origin of Life
  • Manichaean studies
  • Synthesis, Properties and structure of new materials and catalysts
  • Engineering Scientific Commission


The Academy of Sciences in Göttingen awards:

  • Academy Award for Biology
  • Academy Award for Chemistry
  • Academy Award for the Humanities
  • Academy Award for Physics
  • Brothers Grimm medal
  • Dannie Heineman Prize
  • Hans Janssen Award
  • Hanns- Lilje- Price
  • Lichtenberg Medal
  • Sartorius Price
  • Wallenstein Price
  • Wedekind Award ( Academy Award for History )