Graeco-Roman Museum

The Greco- Roman Museum, Alexandria is a state museum in the Egyptian city of Alexandria.


The museum was built on the initiative of the Italian archaeologist Giuseppe Botti and inaugurated on October 17, 1892 October 17, 1892 by Khedive Abbas Hilmi II. At first it consisted of a building with 5 rooms apartment in Rosetta Street (later Avenue Canope and today Horriya ). 1895 drew you into a building with eleven rooms. This additional rooms were attached near the Gamal Abdul Nasser Street. The building has a neoclassical facade with six columns and the overlying gable, in the tympanum of the Greek inscription ' MOYΣEION ' (museum) is to be read. The Museum consists of 27 halls and rooms, as well as a garden that provides an overview of the Greek and Roman Art in Egypt with sculptures.

The rooms accommodate thousands of collectors' items from the third century BC, including a sculpture of Apis in black granite, the sacred bull. Mummies, sarcophagus, tapestries and other objects provide a panorama of the Greco-Roman civilization in contact with Egypt.
