Graecoanatolica macedonica

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Graecoanatolica macedonica, empty shells on a denarius coin; Image A. Mrkvicka

Graecoanatolica macedonica is a tiny, probably extinct Wasserschneckenart from the family Hydrobiidae.


The species live (d ) in the near-shore shallow water with a rocky or sandy substrate, usually in the 0-50 cm depth.


Graecoanatolica macedonica comes ( came ) exclusively in Dojran, on the border between the Republic of Macedonia and Greece.


In the 1970s began - triggered by strong water withdrawals from the tributaries of the lake and hot summer - the water level to drop sharply ( 10.4 m depth in the 1930s, 5.6 m depth, 1995), the habitat of the species was dry. Since 1992, no more live specimens were observed. The use of pesticides and artificial fertilizers in the catchment area of the lake has increased in recent decades.

As of 2009, numerous, seemingly fresh, empty shells were found on the shore after storms (Fischer et al., 2009 Petkovski ( ined. ), Mrkvicka ( ined. ) ). It is still unclear whether these survived in protected substrate regions as empty shells and were washed out or living remnant populations of animals that could be obtained in underground tributaries originate.

Currently, the species is on the IUCN redlist be extinct, living presence should be detected, they would be classified as threatened with extinction.
