Grafschaft (Lenne)

County in Schmallenberg

The county is a 6.0- km-long, left-sided or eastern tributary of the river Lenne in the urban area of Schmallenberg in the Sauerland district, North Rhine -Westphalia ( Germany ).

The running in the Sauerland river rises about 1 km northwest of the town of Schmallenberg part jump. From its source, which is around 662 m above sea level. NN is the county initially flows in a northwesterly direction to the district county. Then the river flows in a westerly direction towards Schmallenberg. There, the county leads in the coming of northern Ruhr- Lenne inflow.


The county flow to some short streams from the surrounding heights. The following are the other tributaries of the county are listed that are listed in the German base map with a name.
