
Grammatology (Greek: gramma γράμμα = letter λόγος logos = doctrine ) is the science of the Scriptures. The grammatology includes one each on the design disciplines of different sciences: Font linguistics, palaeography and epigraphy as well as typography and calligraphy.

Linguistics ( Yellow)

The term comes from the Orientalists Ignace Yellow, the time of its subtitle, " The Foundations of Grammatology " introduces him in his standard work on the letters A Study of Writing from the year 1952. This book influenced the following media-theoretical discussion of the writing and its cultural significance. Nevertheless, the term has not fully enforced, and in the current terminology corresponds yellows understanding of the term most likely the font linguistics.

Philosophy ( Derrida)

The philosopher Jacques Derrida took over the expression Grammatology in his eponymous major work in 1967 and introduced him to general. In it, he argues that in Western thought the font is degraded unduly to a mere auxiliary form of spoken language. Derrida aims of the font to upgrade the writing, and science again, with Grammatology Derrida for the contrast Linguistics / font science and linguistics / semiotics thwarted and no listening to the other, but is more general than this. This is Derrida critique of ideology: the mere auxiliary function of the font based on a logocentrism and on a connected with this Phonozentrismus. This deconstruction is to oppose.
