Gran Sabana

The Gran Sabana is a 10,820 km ² broad plateau in southeastern Venezuela. It is surrounded by up to 1,000 meters high mountain ranges. The area is characterized by wide and shallow valleys and has a very ancient geological formation on. The rocks of the earth's crust are from the Erdurzeit and earlier formed the western part of the super-continent Gondwana.

Erosion rugged sandstone masses over the course of millions of years. What remained rugged valleys and towering, massive mesas, which are called in the language of the native Pemon Indians tepuis and their age is estimated at 70 million years. The 115 different tepuis in this area are characterized by a unique and peculiar flora and fauna on their plateaus. The majority of animals and plants have evolved in the ongoing over millions of years of isolation to endemic species.

Of the mesas overthrow the highest waterfalls in the world, such as the Salto Kukenam and the Angel Falls. The latter is almost 1000 meters height of the highest known waterfall in the world. He is also one of the most famous attractions of the National Park Canaima, who was proclaimed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. In the tepuis are beyond spectacular cave systems such as the Muchimuk cave system in Churi - tepui, the Cueva Ojos de Cristal originated in Roraima Tepui or the caves of the bay Sarisariñama - tepui.


Most of the inhabitants are Pemones. They have their own language, which belongs to the Carib languages. Most residents of the area also speak Spanish.
