Grand and General Council

Consiglio Grande e Generale ( German Great and General Council ) is the unicameral Parliament of San Marino.


60 members are elected for five-year periods in the parliament. The parliament meets in the town hall, the Palazzo Pubblico, who is also the seat of government at the same time.


Since the elections on November 9, 2008, the following changes were made:

On July 1, 2009, the Partito Socialista Riformista Sammarinese split off from the Partito dei Socialisti e dei Democratici and formed with eight deputies own faction. From this resigned October 28, 2011 from the Deputy Alfredo Manzaroli, who has since independent MPs.

By March 17, 2011 left the three deputies of the Europopolari by San Marino with the loss of their former seat of government of the Christian Democrats, the common fraction with PDCS -A. e L. and founded together with the two members of the Democrats of the Unione Centro per la Repubblica Group.

On July 22, 2011 said Glauco Sansovini, formerly Unione dei Sammarinese moderation to the Independent Members.

July 27, 2012 Andrea Zafferani left the National Alliance Popolare and became an independent MP.

The next elections to the Consiglio Grande e Generale are preferred scheduled for 11 November 2012. Among them occur at three coalitions and three individual lists:

Intesa per il Paese ( moderation Sammarinese, Partito Socialista, UPR)

Per San Marion

Movimento Rete

San Marino 3.0

Since August 2006, ruled a center-left coalition of PSD, Popular Alliance (AP) and United Left. In November 2007, the split from the PDCS Centre Democrats ( DDC) joined the coalition. This lost through the ride, the AP parliamentary majority, so that in the episode early elections November 9, 2008 took place. For this was a redesigned suffrage with increased up to 3.5% electoral threshold and an allocation of at least 35 of 60 seats on the voting largest party or coalition of parties. These changes were due to the two parties in coalitions for election to: the right-wing Pact for San Marino ( Patto per San Marino) and the left-wing alliance reforms and freedom ( Riforme e Libertà ).

In this election, there were the following vote and seat distribution:
