Grand Bazaar, Tehran

The Grand Bazaar of Tehran (or Grand Bazaar ) is located in the district bazaar in the southern center of Tehran. He is the world's largest and hosts his same banks, mosques and guest houses. Naturally increases the trade here the most space.

Due to the bazaar to attract numerous corridors that are specialized in different goods. In total, they cover a distance of 10 km. The bazaar is accessible via several entrances that are locked and guarded at night sometimes. Most important trading hours are between 17-19 clock.


Bazaar activities can be traced in Iran until the 4th century BC. After Islamization of the country in the 7th century, the trade increased in this area and the Bazaar won critical especially during the Safawidenherrschaft and in the last 200 years in importance. Until the 19th century the bazaar formed a " city within a city ". With the growth of the city of Tehran in the 20th century, the bazaar gradually lost its importance. Today he still remains part of this development an important commercial center of the country. For tourists, it is of great interest.
