Grand Temple of Mount Heng

Hengshan Nanyue Damiao (Chinese衡山 南岳 大庙, English Great Hengshan Temple on the Southern Sacred Mountain, Big Hengshan Temple of the Southern Sacred Mountain ', in short: Nanyue miao南岳 庙) is a Buddhist, Daoist and Confucian temple at Hengshan Mountains ( Heng Shan) in Hengyang in Hunan province of China. He is first mentioned in the time of the Tang Dynasty, the present buildings were renovated in 1882 in the Qing Dynasty. The main hall has seventy-two pillars that symbolize the seventy-two peaks of Heng Shan.

The Nanyue Temple (南岳 庙, Nanyue miao ) is on the list of monuments of the People's Republic of China ( 6-673 ) since 2006.
