Grassfields Bantu languages

The grassland languages ​​form a large subunit of southern bantoiden languages ​​, a branch of the Benue - Congo languages ​​, which in turn belong to the language family of the Niger - Congo languages ​​.

The approximately 70 Prairie languages ​​are spoken by around 2.5 million people in the Cameroon grasslands in the west of the country Cameroon. Larger languages ​​( with 100-300 thousand speakers ) there is mainly in the Bamileke group; This information can include Ghomala, Yemba, Medumba, Fe'fe ' and Ngiemboon. Other languages ​​with at least 100,000 speakers are Bamun, Ngemba (including Bafut ), meta ', Kom and Lamnso '.

Position of the grasslands of languages ​​within the Niger - Congo

  • Niger - Congo > Volta - Congo > Benue - Congo > East Benue - Congo > Bantoid - Cross> Bantoid > South Bantoid > Prairie languages

Internal classification of grassland languages

  • Grassland West Momo: Ambele, Atong, Busam
  • Menchum: Befang ( Menchum )
  • Grasslands in the strict sense Bamileke Nkam Bamileke: Ghomala (250 thousand), Yemba (300 thousand), Medumba (210 thousand), Fe'fe ' (125 thousand), Ngiemboon (100 thousand), NGOMBA (65 thousand), Ngombale (65 thousand), Ngwe (50 thousand), Mengaka (20 thousand), Nda'nda (10 thousand), Kwa ' ( Bakwa )
  • Ngemba: Ngemba (70 thousand), Mendankwe (10 thousand), Pinyin (25 thousand), Bafut (50 thousand), Bambili (10 thousand), Bamukumbit (19 thousand), Bambuluwe, Kpati †
  • Nkambe: Limbum (80 thousand) Yamba (40 thousand), Mfumte (25 thousand), Ndaktup, Dzodinka, Kwaja, Mbe '
  • Now: Bamun (200 thousand), Mungaka (50 thousand), Baba (15 thousand), Bambaölang (15 thousand), Bagolan (10 thousand), Bafanji (10 thousand), Bamali, Bamenyam
  • Center: Kom ( 130 thousand), Bafumen (65 thousand), Oku (40 thousand), Babanki, Bum
  • West: Oso (30 thousand), AGHEM (25 thousand), Isu (190 thousand), Laimbue, woe, Fungom
  • South: Bamunka (15 thousand), Kenswei NSEI (15 thousand), Babungo ( Vengo ) (24 thousand), Wushi (15 thousand)
  • East: Lamnso ' ( Nso, Banso ) (130 thousand)

Speaker numbers below 10,000 are not specified.
