Great Blue Heron

Canada Heron ( Ardea herodias)

The Canada Heron ( Ardea herodias) is a wading bird of the order Ciconiiformes ( Ciconiiformes ). With a height 102-127 cm, it is the largest heron in North America. In addition to North America, he is at home in Central America and on the Galapagos Islands. In his appearance, he largely corresponds to the spread in Europe herons.

Canada heron nest usually in colonies in trees on the border of lakes and other wetlands. Frequently, there are also other species of herons in these colonies. The large nest is built of twigs and located at heights up to 40 meters. The female lays three to five pale blue eggs. The chicks are fed by both parents with hochgewürgtem feed. The hatchery is preceded by a courtship, which includes the ruffling of feathers jewelry, branch shaking and sightseeing flights.

Canada Heron preferred to hunt in the water for fish, invertebrates, frogs and small mammals by ambushing their prey motionless or her adjust in a moderate step. Similar to the European Grey Heron and the Canada heron hunts like gold fish in garden ponds.

Birds that breed east of the Rocky Mountains in northern distribution area, are migratory and winter in Central America and northern South America. The nesting birds in the southern area of ​​distribution, however, are non-migratory birds.


A great blue heron

A great blue heron, Rockport Texas
