Great Gospel of John

The Great Gospel of John is a font of Lorberbewegung, a Christian- mystical Spirit Community on the basis of so-called new revelations.

Has this ten -volume work with several thousand pages long no historical sources as a basis, but one of Jakob Lorber perceived voice telling him earlier imagines ( the household of God ) as Jesus. The Great Gospel of John assumes that the beloved disciple of the Lord was actually the one who wrote down the process known as " St. John's Gospel " work in the canon of the New Testament on the instructions of Jesus Christ, and also emphasizes that "his " gospel of the closest was at that time what really happened. At the same time this work especially apparent at first verse by verse from the Gospel of John and explains all the parables, with a focus on the elaboration of the spiritual purpose of the gospel. In the course but the focus is then mainly on a detailed chronological narrative of all the events and dialogues.

Jakob Lorber was not able to complete the Great Gospel of John during his lifetime, however, wrote Leopold Engel, relying on the same spiritual source, finished the work ( 11 band). This only book that claims to have received angel of Jesus, where he doing but even was not sure, but it has curiously left to the reader, if he was really addressed by Jesus, is controversial among Lorberianern, but is usually tolerated.

Lorberfreunde appreciate at the Great Gospel of John, among others, also the very comprehensive reports on Jesus, the plastic make Jesus' life very much in mind when it capable of the short biblical gospels. However, the statements of Jesus act, according to critics believe, more like the current opinion Lorber and less like the perspective of a Jewish rabbis at the time of the Roman occupation. Since the texts have no historical sources as a basis, their value ultimately depends on how the voice that Lorber claims to have heard from the heart assesses.


The almost completely collected manuscripts of Lorberschriften are now kept by Lorber -Verlag. The manuscript of " The Great Gospel of John ," was sold to a Lorberfreund according to the publisher of the Lorberschriften, Christoph Friedrich Landenbeck (1840-1921), from the mysterious "so-called daughter Jakob Lorber's " for 2000 florins in Vienna. 1909, was sent by the living in Medias Toni Hedwig, who worked as a so called father medium ashore Beck free of charge. Hedwig had " further from afar " get the original in a message addressed to his brother, sending himself a stranger and stored.
