Greenwood (Delaware)

Sussex County


Greenwood is an American city in Sussex County in the U.S. state of Delaware. The town was founded in 1856 and named after the holly trees surrounding him. As in Greenwood is characterized rather rural, only in summer it is busy, if the tourists drive through the nearby beach.

Greenwood has about 840 inhabitants ( 2000 census ) living in 335 households, of which 221 are in turn in the urban area. The population is made up of 75 % White, 22.6% African descent, 1% Asian. About 1% belong to more than one race. The metropolitan area has a size of 1.7 km ².

In 38% of the 335 households in 2000 children lived under the age of 18 with an average income of $ 40,000 per year, 41% lived in married couples without children, with an average of $ 35,600 income. The remaining 21 % were single-person households with an average of 30,000 (male ) or 21,000 (female) dollar annual income. 11.5 % lived below the poverty line.

The age pyramid was constructed in 2000 32% of the population aged under 18, 11 % 19 to 24 years old, almost 30% 25-44 years 15 % 45 to 64 years and nearly 13% in 65 years and older.

Greenwood has a police station and several, mainly geared to local needs and tourism businesses.

Sons and daughters of the town

  • Simeon S. Penne Will - politicians and 1909-1913 Governor of the State of Delaware
  • Earle D. Willey - politicians


  • Place in Delaware
  • Location in North America
  • Sussex County ( Delaware)