Griese Gegend

The field of semolina area is located in southwestern Mecklenburg. In the north- west and the north the limited brews (of Kuhstorf to Luebtheen ), the straw kirchener Bach and its continuation as a new channel to the field ( this valley used the railway line Hagenow - Ludwig Lust). The south-eastern boundary runs approximately from the city Ludwig lust for Doemitz ( Eldekanal the following), to the southwest is the Rögnitz of Woosmer ( today part of Vielank ) to Luebtheen limiting the semolina area, spacious represents a triangle.

Not clearly the origin of the name is clear: on the one hand, the bottom - mostly sandy - a gray color ( = gritty ). Previously, the drifting sand was blowing even to villages that had to be abandoned. On the other hand, carried the day laborers here undyed gray linen clothes.

The soil was suitable bad for agriculture, aristocratic landowner could hardly prevail and there was in the area Griese many domains that were the Mecklenburg dynasty subject directly. Therefore, the notorious Bauernlegen found in this area rather than rare and so you can in many villages still see the original homesteads.

The Wendish population could converse in the semolina area longer than the rest of Mecklenburg. To the vast heathen today remember some place and field names ( Heidhof, Pichersche Heide), these areas are largely given way forests and fields.

The emergence of Sander region is due to the retreat of the glaciers of the last ice age, the river to direct all to the southwest, toward the lower Elbe.

In the south of the zone to the community Malliß was sponsored from 1817 to 1960, with interruptions lignite from underground.

The communities of semolina area

  • Old Krenzlin
  • Belsch
  • Bresegard at Eldena
  • Bresegard in Picher
  • Eldena
  • Göhlen
  • Grebs - Niendorf
  • Great Krams
  • Leave
  • Kuhstorf
  • Leussow
  • Luebtheen, City
  • Malk Göhren
  • Malliß
  • New Kaliß
  • Picher