Group Areas Act

The Group Areas Act, Act No. 41/1950 ( German about: Group Areas Act ) was a 1950 Act came into force in South Africa under the apartheid policy.

It was adopted in 1950 by the "white" Parliament and dismissed the different ethnic groups ( whites, blacks, Asians and mixed race ) own residential areas to. This resulted in each city, the spatial segregation of ethnic groups.

The Act was amended in 1957 and was called Native Urban Areas Amendment Act No 77 With the end of apartheid 1990-1994 by the Group Areas Act was repealed in 1991.


  • Brief description of the Group Areas Act No 41 of 1950. on ( Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory and Dialogue ) (English)
  • Policy ( South Africa)
  • Apartheid
  • Historic legal source ( South Africa)
  • Policy in 1950