Group for the Study of Reactive Motion

GIRD (Russian Группа изучения реактивного движения; German group investigating reactive drives) was created in 1931, a group for the study of recoil drives as they were predicted by Konstantin Tsiolkovsky.

Already in the 1920s, working groups were established that dealt with issues of rocket flight based on Tsiolkovsky's studies. In July 1931, the office was established for the study of reactive drives ( BIRD ) in Moscow with the support of OSSOAWIACHIM, from November 1931, the GIRD emerged. Two rockets offices were established in Moscow ( MosGIRD ) and Leningrad ( LenGIRD ). One was the central office for the study of rocket problems ( ZBIRP ) and the other the All-Union Society for the Study of interplanetary flight ( OIMS ). Later, other groups emerged in Arkhangelsk, Baku, Bryansk, Kharkov, Novocherkassk and Tbilisi. The leaders of this early Soviet rocket research were Friedrich Zander, Sergey Korolyov, who succeeded Zander 1933, Yevgeny Pobedonoszew and Mikhail Tichonrawow. They developed in the 1920s and 1930s, liquid driven Korolev Rocket and later became the chief designer in the Soviet space program.

The GIRD developed, among other things, the GIRD -09 and GIRD -X rocket, which were the first hybrid and liquid fuels. 1933 went the GIRD groups in rocket research institute on RNII ( Reaktiwny Nauchno Issledowatjelski Institute ).
