Grūtas Park

54.02194444444424.079166666667Koordinaten: 54 ° 1 ' N, 24 ° 5' O

The Grutas Park ( Gruto parkas ) near the spa town of Druskininkai in southern Lithuania was established by the Lithuanian entrepreneurs and " mushroom king" Viliumas Malinauskas and opened on 1 April 2001. The park has now developed into a tourist magnet.

There are many sculptures from the time of the Soviet occupation of Lithuania, which were moved from their original locations in city centers, here disposed of and were re-erected in a pine forest in a propaganda statues deliberately alienating environment.

In a souvenir shop with special glasses with Stalin, Lenin, Khrushchev's and Marx's portrait images of young communists, revolutionaries in October and working-class women and men depend. There is also a restaurant with waitresses is the pioneer shirt and other Soviet pseudonostalgischen attributes. A petting zoo employs born well after the end of the Soviet era, children who can not do anything more at this time with propaganda statues and other memories.
