Gualberto Villarroel Province

- 17.666666666667 - 67.883333333333Koordinaten: 17 ° 40 ' S, 67 ° 53 ' W

Gualberto Villarroel is one of twenty provinces of the Bolivian department of La Paz and is located in the southern part of the department. The province takes its present name in honor of Gualberto Villarroel López (1908-1946), 39th President of Bolivia.


The province is located in the central part of the Bolivian Altiplano at Río Desaguadero and is bordered to the north by the province of flavor, in the northwest of the province Pacajes, and to the south and southeast on the department of Oruro.

The province extends between about 17 ° 24 'and 17 ° 53' south latitude and 67 ° 30 ' and 68 ° 18 ' west longitude, it measures 40 km from north to south, from east to west 80 km.


The population of the province Gualberto Villarroel has increased significantly up to the turn of the millennium, has stagnated since then, but rather:

The literacy rate in the province is 87.6 percent, and that 94.3 percent of men and 80.1 percent among women.

The infant mortality rate has declined from 8.8 percent (1992 ) to 6.8 percent ( 2001).

74.8 percent of the population speak Spanish, 95.9 percent speak Aymara, Quechua and 0.3 percent. (2001)

98.7 percent of the population have no access to electricity, 70.0 percent have no sanitary facilities ( 2001).

78.0 percent of households own a radio, a television 2.0 percent, 77.6 percent, a bicycle, a motorcycle 4.8 percent, 3.1 percent, a car, a refrigerator 0.1 percent, and 0.5 percent a telephone. (2001)

59.9 percent of the population are Catholics, 26.5 percent are Protestant (1992).


The Gualberto Villarroel Province is divided into the following three counties ( bolivian: municipios ):

  • Municipio Chacarilla - 1,981 inhabitants (Update 2010)
  • Municipio Papel Pampa - 7,637 inhabitants
  • The municipality of San Pedro de Curahuara - 11,591 inhabitants