Guanche language

Spoken in




The Guanche is the extinct language of the Guanches in the Canary Islands. The language of all Guanches each Canary Island is of the same origin, but it has been some dialectal differences. A relationship with the Berber languages ​​is suspected, but not proven safe, but there are, according to José Luis Concepcion (see sources) some word similarities between the Guanche and Berber languages.

Some words are not known. The word Guanche actually means " man / man from Tenerife " and was later to a collective heading. The language died out in the 16th or 17th century. However, to this day maintained elements of this language in the Canarian dialect. For example, is the usual in the Canaries word for " goat " Baifo.

Here are some examples of the Guanche:

  • Water: ahemen or Ahemón
  • Milk: aho
  • Clay Pot: Gánigo
  • Toasted flour: gofio ( it is prepared today, see Gofio )
  • Stone diameter: Tabona
  • Tree: Močan
  • Dress: Tamarco
  • Three ( numeral ): Amiet

Archaeological findings suggest the existence of the Libyan- Berber related writing (see Tifinagh script ).
