Guarani Aquifer

The Acuífero Guaraní ( as Spanish, Portuguese Aquífero Guarani, formerly Aqüífero Guarani ) in South America is a 1,200,000 square kilometers large aquifers under the settlement area of ​​the Guaraní Indians.

In detail, the natural water storage distributed geographically in the following countries

  • Brazil - 840,000 km ² (~ 70 % of total area)
  • Argentina - 225.5 thousand km ² (~ 19% of total area)
  • Paraguay - 71.7 thousand km ² (~ 6% of total area)
  • Uruguay - 58.5 thousand km ² (~ 5% of total area)

The aquifer is closely connected to the river and lake system of Cuenca del Plata. The water main discharge zone is located in the border triangle Triple Frontera.

The freshwater 50-1500 meters deep is one of the three largest reserves of fresh water around the world. According strong the economic interests in the exploration and future exploitation of the reserves. Some of the projects towards water privatization - in favor of multinational corporations such as GDF Suez, Bechtel Corporation and Thames Water - and was also funded by the World Bank .. At the same time water quality is at risk from pesticide introduction, among other things from the soybean cultivation.
