Guardia de Asalto

The Guardia de Asalto (assault Guard ) was a blue- uniformed municipal police in Spain, similar to the green uniformed Guardia Civil, whose jurisdiction lay outside the cities. The Guard was founded in February 1932 by the Republican government. In contrast to the Guardia Civil, whose origins were from the time of the monarchy, the Guardia de Asalto was largely loyal to the Republican government.

The troop strength (at the beginning of the Civil War about 18,000 men ) was not comparable to that of the Guardia Civil. Nevertheless, they played an important role in the crackdown on army revolts in the cities at the beginning of the Civil War.


Alejandro González Vargas: La guardia de asalto. Policía de la República, Cuadernos Republicanos No. 53, Autumn 2003.
