Guatemalan black howler

Guatemala Howler Monkey ( Alouatta pigra )

The Guatemala Howler Monkey ( Alouatta pigra ) is a primate of the species of howler monkeys within the peg-tail monkeys ( Atelidae ). He lives in Central America.


Guatemala Howler monkeys are like all howler monkeys stocky built primates. They reach a body length 52-67 inches, the tail is just as long. With approximately 11.4 kg males are significantly heavier than females, bring 6.4 kg on the scales. Their fur is long, soft and silky, it is generally dyed black, can at the back, however, included on the shoulders and on the cheeks browns. The scrotum is conspicuously colored white in adult males. The limbs are long and powerful, the long tail is also designed as a hairless prehensile tail and the back of the bottom.

Distribution and habitat

Guatemala howler monkeys inhabit the Yucatán Peninsula in eastern Mexico and in Belize and Guatemala. To the west and south-east, the area of ​​distribution of the closely related howler monkeys connects. Their habitat is forests, where they may occur in rainforests, partially flooded riverine forests and wetlands. They usually keep to below 400 meters above sea level.

Way of life

Guatemala Howler monkeys are diurnal and arboreal. They are rather slow climbers and jump rare in food intake they often depend on their limbs or their prehensile tail. They generally set a portly, energy-saving lifestyle and often hold breaks, which is due to the low nutritional value of their food leaves. They are pure herbivores, in addition to leaves, they take seasonal fruits and flowers also to himself. They live in small groups of 2 to 10 animals, which are composed of one or two male and several females.

After about six months of gestation, the female gives birth to usually a single young is born.


Main threat to Guatemala Howler Monkey is the destruction of their habitat by deforestation. The IUCN lists the species as endangered ( endangered ) and fears a further decline in the populations.
