Guidan Roumdji Department

13.6613888888896.6975Koordinaten: 13 ° 40 'N, 6 ° 42 ' E

Guidan Roumdji is a department in the region of Maradi in Niger.


The Department is located in the south of the country, bordering Nigeria. It consists of the township guidan Roumdji and the rural communities Chadakori, guidan Sori, SAE Saboua and Tibiri. The eponymous capital of the department is guidan Roumdji.


The area originally belonged to the district of the department of Maradi, which was disbanded in 1972 and divided into the arrondissements guidan Roumdji and Madarounfa. In 1998, the former arrondissements of Niger in departments were converted, each headed by an appointed Council of Ministers is prefect. The structure of the department in communities exists since the year 2002. Previously, it consisted of the urban center guidan Roumdji and the cantons guidan Roumdji, Chadakori, Saye Saboua, guidan - Sori and Tibiri. The 2013 appointed Prefect of guidan Roumdji is Sahabi Assoumane.


The Department guidan Roumdji has 2012 524.406 inhabitants according to the census. At the 2001 census, there were 348 321 inhabitants in the census 1988 210 417 inhabitants and in the census 1977 140 276 inhabitants.
