
The Guidonen (also Widonen, or Lambertiner ) were a noble, originally Frankish family that the Lombard Duchy of Spoleto in southern Italy dominated by the middle to the end of the 9th century. Because of their erheirateten kinship with the Carolingians and the power they had over the city of Rome and the Pope, they obtained 889 the title of King of Italy, and three years later, even the imperial dignity.

Master list

Count Wido († 802/814 ) is a descendant and successor of possession Warnharius, of the monastery of Hornbach in the Palatinate donated to 742; also descendants of the Warnharius are Willi Gart (828 giver of Wilgartswiesen (Pfalz ) ) and her Nepos Warharius; to the possession successors and probably also to the descendants Warnharius ' heard beyond Werner, the progenitor of the Salian, making the relationship between the two families is occupied: Emperor Henry IV in 1105 stressed that Hornbach was founded by his ancestors.
