Gulf of Boni

The Gulf of Bone ( Indonesian Teluk Bone) is a large bay of the Banda Sea, the (formerly Celebes ) divides the south of the Indonesian island of Sulawesi in two large peninsulas. To the east of the Gulf, on the southeast peninsula, lies the province of Sulawesi Tenggara, in the west, on the south (west ) union Peninsula, the province of Sulawesi Selatan, which also encloses the northern end of the Gulf.

Named the Golf is after the former Sultanate of Bone at its west bank, from which the eponymous administrative district with the capital Watampone emerged. Other major cities on the Gulf are Sinjai the south of the southern peninsula, Palopo in the northwest and Kolaka in the east of the Gulf.

By definition, the International Hydrographic Organization of the Gulf of Boni is an independent marine area; its border with Banda runs from Tanjung Lasa in Sulawesi Selatan to the northern tip of the island Kabaena at 5 ° 5 ' S, 121 ° 52' O 5.0833333333333121.86666666667 and from there northward to southeastern peninsula.
