
12.6333333333339.4Koordinaten: 12 ° 38 'N, 9 ° 24 ' E

Gumel is a town in the Nigerian state of Jigawa and is located in the extreme north of Nigeria. One calculation according to the 2012, the city has 22,627 inhabitants.

Gumel is located 121 km north-east of Kano and about 20 km south of the border with Niger. In the surroundings of the town next to millet and sorghum especially peanuts are grown, which are transported for export to Kano. Deposits of limestone and diatomaceous earth are mined locally. An expressway connects Gumel with Kano, Hadejia and Katagum. Gumel is also a traditional emirate, which was founded in 1750 and from 1754 onwards was one of Kanem -Bornu. The center of the emirate in 1864 moved to the present Gumel of the property currently situated in Niger Toumbi place.

Gumel and its surroundings are one of the 27 Local Government Areas ( LGA) of the state of Jigawa with an area of ​​223.47 km ². In the previous 1991 census, the LGA had 48,583 inhabitants, and thus a population density of 217 inhabitants per km ².
